Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Thursday is but a memory

I love taking pictures of the sky and this shot was just gorgeous the other night when Sam and I were out having dinner so I had to take a pic with my phone...not as pretty as it would have been with my camera but still very nice!  Thursday is gone and it's just after midnight but wanted to post my thoughts and happenings for the day.  What a glorious morning it was outside Thursday morning when I got up!  I enjoyed having my coffee by the pond and listening to the waterfall, it set the tone for my day and I try to do that as much as I can because it puts me in a good frame of mind!  I love watching all our beautiful fish in our pond. We have one I call Buffet because he's a Parrot fish and he's so beautiful..a Key West peachy-coral color, another one is Marble because Sam says he looks like a fat little round marble, his belly is really big and he's lots of different colors! lol.  We only have two koi, the rest are goldfish and they're all beautiful.  They are little pigs and as soon as I walk outside and sit on the bench by the pond to have my morning coffee, they start swimming up with they're hungry little mouths open.  They can eat a lot for such little creatures!  It's amazing that something so little can have a personality but they do,
and each one eats in their own way and we can anticipate what they're going to do a lot of the times when we throw food in.  For instance, Parrot swims low and cases the other fish out to see whose around and then when he feels the coast is clear he darts up, grabs a  piece of food and swims low in the pond to enjoy his treat.  The koi on the other hand, open their
mouths and it's like a vacuum sucking up everything in the path.  The biggest koi I call Angel because of her tail which is huge and flows like angel wings but honey she's no angel cause she intimidates the rest of the fish by swishing that huge, long tail around and trying to scare them off.  It usually works for about two seconds until they realize she's just a bully and they come up and eat anyway.  As I said I love watching them! 

Finished my Halloween costume this morning..I will be a fearsome Spider Fairy at our party.  It's pretty cool if I do say so myself.  I will be posting pictures once the party is over.  We have such a great time with some very dear friends.  I'm really looking forward to it.  I did a little more decorating and am so thankful God has given us a nice house to entertain friends in. It's not fancy, but then we're not fancy, but it is warm and cozy and our friends always seem to enjoy themselves here and that means the world to me.  We have two dachshunds, Matilda and Maisie, and they have such cute costumes this year!  Matilda is going to be our little Mermaid..yes she will have fins.  Maisie is our watch dog, literally barks when anyone or anything makes a noise around the house, so her costume is..yes a watchdog.  She has a little shirt that has two watches on the top of it...get it..."watchdog".  I can't take credit for the idea, found it online but thought it was pretty darned clever!  Since I work late on Thursday nights Sam cooked for me tonight..salmon and brocolli.  It was so yummy!  I am a spoiled woman but then I figure I deserve it after going through some rough times over the last 25 years as a single mom.  Sam is my prize and I thank God for him everyday! 

Oh and I had to take the Jeep in for service today and when the mechanic asked me what was wrong I told him it was chirping.  He said "excuse me" and I said "it's chirping..you know, like a bird".  And yes he looked at me like I had lost my mind.  Anyway, they kept the Jeep to look it over and when he called back today he said "ma'am, your car IS chirping and we can't find the problem".  He said he looked everywhere he could think to look and no belts, hoses, or any area had a problem so he just commenced to greasing areas here and there hoping it wuuld stop the chirping.  Guess we'll find out tomorrow when I go to pick it up.  Please Mr. Bird, find another car in which to make your nest!

Sam gave the pups their weekly baths tonight and they smell so sweet!  Matilda isn't usually a problem but Maisie gets that hound dog smell and it's hard to take after a few days, especially since she sleeps in the bed with us.  They aren't crazy about their baths but they're good little girls for daddy without too much fuss.  You just have to catch them before they realize what's happening and take them in the bathroom. hehe
Restful dreams to all in cyberspace, I'm done and out!

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