Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Lazy, lazy..that's me!

Wow, it's been a couple of months since I took the time to put my thoughts down and I'm pretty sure it's just laziness!  These past two weeks have been crazy busy, my daughter Cydnee is moving to Philly area and is stopping over for a couple of weeks to stay with us til she moves in, my son was in a bad accident and totaled his car, but he's okay just very sore still. Our cat Wally took off last night because of my daughter's dogs and didn't come home til tonight, guess her big dogs are just more than he can handle!  Sam and I, we're working too much and not having nearly enough fun but hopefully a cookout with friends on Saturday night will change all that.  Sam is struggling with some demons of his own and I'm struggling with detesting myself right now because I've gained so much weight.  Why is it there is always something in life that's so difficult? I love food, plain and simple, and I make promises to myself about overeating that I never keep and then get angry at myself and internalize everything which makes me eat even more!  Why can't someone make a magic pill? Good grief, here I go again with my laziness! Everything takes an effort and I need to get my ass in gear to do something about this! Time's a wastin and I ain't getting any younger! Have a good night all..........

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