Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

November already?!

Wow, what a whirlwhind the last two weeks have been, hardly time to take a breath much less write anything about what's going on.  Where to start...well, we had a fantastic halloween party!  About 35 people attended and it was just so much fun..here's a photobucket link to the decor and party pix.



The costumes were terrific, some outrageous, and one in particular was very controversial but unintentionally so.  I caught quite a bit of flack about it...the rapper in black face.  It never occurred to me, though I wish it had, that this was inappropriate and racially derogatory.   I know the person who dressed in the costume is not a person who is at all racist and I'm 100% sure she didn't mean any harm, nevertheless, it struck a nerve and I sure heard about it.  I hope next year we won't have anything like this happen, but again it was unintentional I'm sure.  We had tons of food and of course there were prizes for the costumes.  We played one game that included a toilet paper plunger and toilet paper and that got lots of a laughs but I'll keep you guessing on that one! lol

The next day I was beat.  It sucks getting old, I don't like the achiness and tiredness that sets in after a busy day or evening.  It just doesn't seem fair that just when life gets to be the most enjoyable, that physically it sometimes is difficult.  But we have to just suck it up and deal with it!

Yesterday and today I've been at St. Joe's in Tampa in training for a new system to work on pathology transcription.  It will be nice to have another option and security in knowing I have another avenue in this field, but it's amazing what I've forgotten and what's changed since I worked with pathology almost 20 years ago!  It's been interesting though and I think I'll enjoy the option of doing something different every now and then.

Sam is on four 10 hour shifts the next four days so we won't have much time together.  I'll finally be able to box up all the halloween though while he's at work and get it put away in anticipation for bringing out the Christmas trimmings.  I love decorating but it sure is a chore, but gladly worth it.

I am so thankful my family is going to be here for Christmas.  My parents, both sisters and their families and Santa is coming to aunt Leah's and uncle Sam's this year so I'm excited about that.

I'm really drained mentally so I'm done for the day.  Nite all and sweet dreams ☺

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